About Me

CV | Info

Profesional Experience

About Me

I’m Designer, in the last years I have had the role of Creative Director, Visual Designer and Creative Designer in different jobs, I have 17 year of experience from print to digital work as well as in visual design, motion graphics, eCommerce, information architecture, UX/UI design, development creative products and experiences.


Performing professionally according to my experience and knowledge, give congruent solutions as well as direct graphic concepts with successful elements, both create and renew aesthetically creative ideas, making a composition and visual communication that is correct both balanced and competitive and in turn be part of a team offering the best results.

Education & Workshop

Coursera – 2023
UX Designer of Google.

University Claustro de Sor Juana – 2022
Diplomat of management in cultural processes for the construction of peace and memory.

University Insurgentes – 2004
Degree in Graphic Communication Design

Linked-In – 2020
Certified in UX/UI Designer

Centro de la Imagen – 2006
Diplomat in Digital Photography & Documentary Photography

Faro de Oriente – 2005
Diplomat in Photojournalism & Digital Photography

Profesional experience

Sr. Designer | UX/UI Designer

BLM(Forbes México, Travel & Leisure en Español, Food & Wine, In-Style, Robb Report )

May 2023 / Present

Sr. Designer in Content Studio BLM (Forbes México, Forbes LATAM, Travel & Leisure, Robb Report, Food & Wine, The Happening, InStyle) Digital Design, UX-UI Design, Graphic Motion, Figma Expert, Digital Products & Prototyping. 

UX/UI | Web Designer | Visual Designer


August 2019 / January 2023

Create design material for different platforms web, RR.SS. & print, collaborate in different projects immerse in digital world for example create of UI of web site 3.0 (Cryptoloteria.mx) and creation of animation in card NFT’S.

Sr. Visual Designer / Creative Director

Next Contact

August 2019 / June 2020

Create design material for different platforms web, RR.SS. & print, collaborate in different projects immerse in digital world for example create of UI of web site 3.0 (Cryptoloteria.mx) and creation of animation in card NFT’S.

Creative Director / Visual Design

Agency Código V

January 2016 / August 2019

Creation of print materials for Bimbo of Mexico, Tia Rosa & Dulces Vero, creation of web sites and different advertising for others customers.

UX/UI Web Designer for eCommerce / Information Architectural

Invent. / Grupo Imagen Multimedia

August 2014 / January 2016

Creation of platform eCommerce -supersalud180.com-, UX/UI design for mobile, tablet and desktop, administration of web banners, creation of specials landing pages for different products and specific brands, creation of advertising campaigns 360 ̊, ATL, BTL, TTL.

Creative Designer

Engrane Studio

July 2013 / July 2014

Creation of digital materials for different brand, optimization of graphic for web sites, creation of graphics, stage, objects and backgrounds for web-mobile games and illustration.

Creative Designer


August 2012 / June 2013

Create materials design of P.O.P. medium and large format, dummies for different brands (Liverpool, Samborns , Henkel, Más Color, Persil, Bic.) and the same time create a brand design different customers.

Creative Designer Chief

D.P.I (Diseño y Públicidad Integral)

July 2011 / July 2012

Create materials design for local customer and popular brands, short videos with graphic motion, presentations, image corporate and more.

Creative Designer Chief

Fashion Studio

January 2009 / July 2011

Create originals and creative graphic screen print designs for different clothing and textile.

Creative Designer Jr.

Q Black Media(L.A., San Francisco, Detroit, México)

July 2007 / July 2008

Create different materials designs for brands and customers in U.S.A. create a template of platform web in ‘CMS’ in Drupal, WordPress and Joomla.

Creative Designer | Creative Director

Ak Diseño y Fotografía (Own Studio)

January 2005 / July 2023

Creation of different design for brands and customers, web sites, UX/ UI design, booklets for music disc, image corporate, photography sessions and Illustrations, all working in freelance.


Hard Skills

Soft Skills

Software Skills

Design Skills

Other Experience

Teacher of Digital Photography

Sep 2016 / February 2018

Casa de Cultura ‘Victor Bautista’

Teacher of Retouching and Editing Photographic

September 2010

Fabrica de Artes y Oficios ‘Faro de Oriente’
